The Emergence of Language

Prompt: Exceptional

Wednesday! Already?

You know, Nanowrimo is swiftly approaching. This is an event in which writers and would-be writers are challenged to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November. It can be done! This is my fifth or sixth year. I’ve always submitted the required wordage, and a book of sorts, but to the dismay of family and friends, never a novel I would readily share.

I’m hoping this year will be an exceptional year. My premise for the novel is based on a dream, but as I play with the concept I see there might possibly be a book in there, somewhere.

What is this premise? That there are a group of people called the Immortals, because they simply cannot die. When they are “killed” they retreat to a cave, from which they go forth again. My story germ revolves about a group of six “immortals”, of varying ages, who join together to enjoy adventures with no thought of being heroes or changing the world or doing anything actually positive. They’ve found themselves in a fantasy cum horror story, and decide not to play along.

They are kind of selfish.

So the story arc possibilities are quite prolific, and so I might start with my immortals come November 1, even though sci-fi, fantasy, or young adult fiction are not exactly my wheelhouse genres.

So I might play with this concept here on the blog, too, so please indulge me.

Meanwhile, may I present a few of my favourite cartoons, the first of which is tangentially related to the Daily Prompt, “exceptional”:

cartoon penquin identity crisis

cartoon gorilla in bath

cartoon cave people language

Have a happy Thursday (and Friday. And oh hell, Saturday too.)


7 thoughts on “The Emergence of Language

  1. Thanks for mentioning the nanowrimo. I’ve read about that before and thought I’ll never be into writing novels, but lately there’s a story/idea lingering in my mind and I thought it would be great to have it as a novel. Hahah so hoping to join this Nov’s challenge. πŸ™‚


  2. The plot would make for a great read.. You’ve already developed a feel for anticipating what might come next.. I hope you finish it and share the story.. 😊


  3. Pingback: Author Interview – Isabelle Kenyon – “This is not a Spectacle” (Contemporary Poetry) | toofulltowrite (I've started so I'll finish)

  4. LOVE your cartoon collection. Each one has me chuckling.

    Also, your idea for the novel sounds quite interesting. Hope you get around to completing it. Do notify us here, look forward to it πŸ™‚


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